Our Mission

Reducing Waste One Upcycle at a Time

Circular Fashion

Faithfully Yours is dedicated to reducing the enormous amounts of textile waste thrown away each year. In 2018 alone, landfills in the US received 11.3 million tons of textile waste! The amount of textile waste in landfills has been rising exponentially since the 1960s. In an effort to divert some of this waste, I source about 75% of materials for products from donations of unwanted clothing, fabrics or notions, as well as sourcing from thrift stores and rummage sales. I believe strongly in creating new items from materials that already exist instead of simply adding to production of new materials and therefore adding to the increase in waste.


A portion of our yearly profit is donated to an organization that supports the values of FYA

2022 donation - Planted 10 trees in Kenya through CarbonFootprint.com

2023 donation - Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York


Upcycling is something I had played around with a bit here and there in the past, but I decided I was going to make repurposing materials the foundation of how I created. Through this process, my goal is to help reduce waste, encourage people to view waste materials differently and see value in the things we usually throw away. I love the transformation of upcycling. Finding the hidden beauty and usefulness and giving purpose to unwanted articles of clothing, or finding uses for the plastic netting around our fruit or the cereal bags we don't think twice of throwing away, it's almost magic. My hope is that the items I create will help be a catalyst that disrupts the habits of a disposable culture and instead invites us to rethink what it means to be resourceful and creative with what we already have.

Circular Fashion

Finding ways to reuse or repair materials keeps them from polluting the environment in a landfill and also reduces the demand for new production. Using what we have to make what we need. This is the basic idea of circular fashion/economy that aims to keep materials from becoming waste through a system of repairing, reusing and recycling waste into new products.


The waste crisis on our planet is very real. Production continues while unwanted items pile up and cause pollution, horrible living conditions, and basically taking over the planet. So instead of making new items from new materials, I use what already exists! It's one small way I can make a difference, by reducing waste, showing others how to view materials differently and encourage us all to take every small step we can towards living a more sustainable life, because when each of us does our part,our unified efforts make a difference! Sustainability and environmentalism aren't a trend, it's a necessity for life on earth to continue and thrive. We are part of the natural world, not separate from it. Caring for the environment is caring for ourselves!